1、db.users.find() -- db.getCollection('users').find({}) -- select * from users 2、db.users.find({"age" : 27}) -- select * from users where age = 27 3、db.users.find({"username" : "joe", "age" : 27}) -- select * from users where "username" = "joe" and age = 27 4、db.users.find({}, {"username" : 1, "email" : 1}) -- select username, email from users 5、db.users.find({}, {"username" : 1, "_id" : 0}) -- no case -- 即时加上了列筛选,_id也会返回,必须显式的阻止_id返回6、db.users.find({"age" : {"$gte" : 18, "$lte" : 30}}) -- select * from users where age >=18 and age <= 30 -- $lt(<) $lte(<=) $gt(>) $gte(>=) 7、db.users.find({"username" : {"$ne" : "joe"}}) -- select * from users where username != "joe" 8、db.users.find({"ticket_no" : {"$in" : [725, 542, 390]}}) -- select * from users where ticket_no in (725, 542, 390) 9、db.users.find({"ticket_no" : {"$nin" : [725, 542, 390]}}) -- select * from users where ticket_no not in (725, 542, 390) 10、db.users.find({"$or" : [{"ticket_no" : 725}, {"winner" : true}]}) -- select * form users where ticket_no = 725 or winner = true 11、db.users.find({"username" : {"$in" : [null], "$exists" : true}}) -- select * from users where username is null -- 如果直接通过find({"username" : null})进行查询,那么连带"没有username"的纪录一并筛选出来 12、db.users.find({"username" : {"$nin" : [null]}}) -- db.users.find({"username" : {"$ne" : null}}) -- select * from users where username is not null